We understand how important the right voice is for any project…that’s why we have access to hundreds of voices from all over the upper Midwest and beyond. If this list seems a little intimidating, just give us a call and we can give you suggestions to help you to navigate through it.
Jump to A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y, Z
- Abler, Terry
- Abrams, Andrew
- Aiello, Liz
- Akulenko, Natasha (Russian)
- Alan, Keith
- Alpert, Dick
- Alvarez, Ana Maria (English-Espanol)
- Anderson, Ron
- Aparo, Carlo
- Austin, Blake
- Austin, Mike
- Baer, Genevieve
- Bailey, Steve
- Bailey, Tom
- Bair, Greg
- Ball, Alan
- Barsness, Todd
- Baskin, John
- Bayorgeon, Steve
- Becker, Gail
- Biatch, Samantha
- Birchall, Sherry
- Bishop, Ken
- Blake, Mathias
- Boland, Dina Monaco
- Borovskaya-Ellis, Anna (Russian)
- Bousard, Shana
- Bradley, Bruce
- Brickner, Tim
- Brooks, Sara Ann
- Bryce, David
- Bull, Roger
- Burns, Kate
- Byjuyo, Karmann
- Calhoun, John
- Campbell, Timothy
- Cannon, Steve
- Carr, Bryson
- Carr, Freddy
- Carroll, Ryan (Deutsch)
- Cartwright, Paul
- Cebar, Paul
- Chappell, Nathan
- Charley, Mike
- Chase, Michael
- Cheatam, Nike
- Chen, Lang
- Cheney, Nina
- Chilson, Paul
- Chobanain, Elizabeth
- Clapham, Chris
- Clark, Terrance
- Cloud, Anne
- Cloud, Elliot
- Cloud, Hattie
- Cloud, Juniper
- Conkwright, Wilson
- Cooper, Mike
- Cooper, Natalie
- Cornelius, Cam
- Coronado, David
- Cory, Trish
- Costa, Heather
- Covert, Clay
- Crooks, Lee
- Cummings, Pat
- Daleki, Dick
- Dalessandro, Karen
- Daniels, Krista
- Daul, Dana
- Day, Sarah
- Dean, Peter
- Dick, Jim
- Dolan, Joe
- Dooley, Ben
- Drennan, Heidi
- Drolet, Meg
- Galloway, Penny
- Garbarino, Gael
- Gardner, Jack
- Geier, Sandy
- Geist, Kathy
- Gerink, Laurie
- Gilbeck, Paula
- Gilbert, Kitty
- Glass, Darryn
- Glowinski, Valerie
- Goard, Steven
- Golden, Jeff
- Gordon, Len
- Gorman, Scott
- Grapentine, Wendy Warren
- Gray, Bob
- Gray, Laura
- Gray, Natalie
- Greulich, Jim
- Grischow, Allison
- Gular, Hilary
- Gummer, Louisa
- Haggar, Rob
- Hall, Earl
- Hallinan, Rochelle
- Hammond, Billy
- Hampton, Hevin
- Hanson, Dale
- Hardman, Zeke
- Harlan, Michael
- Harrison, Melanie
- Hart, Sheila
- Hasler, Paula
- Hedquist, Jeffrey
- Heilman, Dave
- Henderson, Cynthia
- Henning, Dimonte
- Henry, Eric
- Hessin, Bill
- Hitchcock, Carrie
- Hitzel, Natalie
- Hofmann, Paul
- Hogan, Harlan
- Hudson, Amy
- Huismann, Mark
- Kae, Jason
- Kane, Margo
- Kanne, Lee
- Kappas, Dave
- Karstedt, Kip
- Kaufman, Ruth
- Keister, Jennifer
- Kelsey, Gail
- Kemper, Buzz
- Kermgard, Lisa
- Keyes, Fletcher
- Klein, Anna
- Klemolin, Kelly
- Klinzing, Barb
- Klubertanz, Tom
- Klug, John
- Kopishke, Joel
- Kraus, John Henry
- Kurry, Suzan
- MacLauchlan, Kate
- Madden, Colleen
- Magers, Jessica
- Marlatt, Richard
- Marohn, Robin
- Marschall, Cathy
- Martin, Billy Surf
- Martin, Ginger
- Martin, Michael Kevin
- Masters, Jack
- Mateus, Adriana
- Mattheson, Emily
- Maus, Peter
- McCarty, Mari
- McCulloch, Karen
- McGonegal, Mike
- McKenzie, Steve
- McLemore, Nancy
- Mendoza, Mario (English-Espanol)
- Merrit, Diane
- Metroff, Kenny
- Mills, Jacob
- Mitchell, Brian
- Moeller, Karen
- Moen, Gary
- Mooney, Tim
- Moore, Glenn
- Moses, Norman
- Mulkerron, Beth
- Mullen, CJ
- Myhand, Kuchambi
- Nagy, Bill
- Najem, John
- Nelson, Suzette
- Nelson, Tom
- Neterval, Mary Sue
- Nicholson, Mike
- Nickerson, Carmen
- Nilson, Scott
- Norris, Lynn
- Nutting, Dana
- Panzarella, Johnny
- Parks, Jim
- Paskov, Kay
- Passaro, Joe
- Patterson, Penny
- Paxton, Ward
- Payette, Shannon
- Pazderski, Jo Anne
- Peacock, Ray
- Pederson, Tom
- Pender, Nancy
- Pendolino, Maria
- Peterson, Marty
- Phillips, Chad
- Pickering, Jim
- Porter, Joyce
- Porter, Rachel
- Pritchard, Susan
- Provan, Simon Jon
- Putnam, Ted
- Ramlet, Cindy
- Rashad, Malik
- Rentmeester, Casey
- Rentz, Beth
- Reynolds, Jordon
- Reynolds, Mitch
- Riccio, Katie
- Richards, Mark
- Rittman, Greg
- Robbins, Leslie Gray
- Robins, Kandice
- Rohde, Regan
- Romey, Carl
- Rosenfeld, Alyson Leigh
- Russell, Tony
- Ryan, Shelly
- Sagal, Tom
- Sawyer, Jim
- Sawyer, Stan
- Schaefer, Matt
- Schillaci, Lynne
- Schleicher, Steve
- Schreier, Jana
- Schubert, Cheryl
- Schudson, Ruth
- Schulmerich, Adam
- Schultz, Nancy
- Scott, Hayden
- Scott, Kyle
- Scott, Trevor
- Shannon, Steve
- Sharon, Amanda
- Shiels, Duncan
- Shiraishi, Naomi (Japanese)
- Sicard, Mary Alice (English-Francais-Espanol)
- Simmons, Dave
- Simmons, Mary
- Simons, Bob
- Skewes, Michael
- Smith, Aimee
- Smith, Bob
- Smith, Steve (Portugues)
- Solomon, Amy
- Songolo, Aliko
- Southerland, Stephanie
- Spector, Peter B
- Stace, Pamela
- Stadler, Kristina
- Stampley, Malkia
- Stanton, Meg
- States, Dani
- Steliga, Shayne
- Stephano, Paul
- Stephans, Linda
- Stephens, Jason
- Sterchi, John
- Stinnett, Zach
- Stuart, David
- Stuhlmacher, Steve
- Surrell, Matt
- Sweeney, Susan
- Taylor, Bill
- Test, Tom
- Thibodeaux, David
- Thogerson, Deb
- Thomas, Dylan
- Thompson, Joe
- Thomsen, Nancy
- Tietjen, Kelly
- Tropeano, Cade
- Tucker, Megan
- Turlow, Pam
- Turner, Tyne
- Wainwright, Jonathan
- Wallis, Art
- Ward, Erika
- Washington, Dre
- Wasikhongo, Odalo
- Watts, April
- Wegner, Laura
- Weinberg, Keith
- Wells, Shane
- West, Debi Mae
- West, Kate
- West, Kate
- White, Martha
- Whitely, Patty
- Whyte, Laura
- Wightman, Barry
- Wild, Lori
- Williams, Pam
- Wilson, Jason
- Wilson, Kim
- Wilson, Neil
- Winfield, Steve(English-Espanol-Deutsch-Italian)
- Wollner, Michael
- Woodland, Cynthia
- Workentin, Tami
- Worthington, Bob